Microlaser hair extension

What is microlaser hair extension?

What is microlaser hair extension?

Hair extension refers to filling back, raising hair and adding mesh and highlights between women’s hair by adding natural hair between them. There are different methods for hair extension, the best method of which is micro-laser extension, which is done with professional external devices and very carefully by a skilled hairdresser.

Mrs. Shabnam Hazrati has a specialized degree in laser hair extension from SHE company in Italy with more than 10 years of experience in the field of hair extension. He is also the representative of SHE company in Iran and a teacher of natural hair extension by laser method in Iran.

In Mrs. Shabnam Hazrati’s salon, specialized services of laser and microlaser hair extensions with natural hair of She SHE brand of Italy are provided, as well as private and specialized training of all types of natural hair extensions.

The use of SHE brand natural hair of various designs and colors, the use of natural keratin glue, and the use of specialized foreign devices by them to perform hair extension services will allow you, dear lady, to perform hair extension with the least worry about damaging your natural hair. Be amazed at the result of the work and multiplying the beauty of your hair.

The sale of natural hair extensions in the form of branches and other accessories needed for hair extensions and the specialized training of hair extensions in person and on video with an international certificate are also provided by Ms. Shabnam Hazrati.

Benefits of hair extensions

Benefits of hair extensions

Hair extensions have many benefits, the most important of which are mentioned below:

Refreshing hair
Strengthening the fatty tissues in the hair
Creating shiny hair
straight hair
Loss of hair frizz
More combability of hair
Elimination of problems in hair structure (significantly)
Convenience for continuous use of hair iron

The method and necessary equipment for hair extension

The method and necessary equipment for hair extension

Hair plays a big role as one of the factors involved in beauty. Some people go for hair extensions to have long and voluminous hair. Hair extensions can be done at home or you can go to specialist centers to do this. In order to perform hair extension at home, you must provide the tools for this work, among which the following items can be mentioned:

Types of synthetic or natural hair strands
A hair iron for this purpose
Hair clipper
Metal rings for attaching extra hair
Types of keratin pellets
Types of extension chips
Keratin adhesives
hot glue

Types of hair extension methods

Types of hair extension methods

Hot hair extension

In performing this type of hair extension, hot tools and pliers are used to connect the hair that is going to be added, so that the extension operation is done quickly, which is chosen according to the type of hair of the people.

Temporary hair extensions

This type of hair extension can be easily separated and attached, and for this purpose, artificial or natural strands of hair are done with special clips and glue, or ready-made textures are attached to people’s hair.

Semi-permanent hair extensions

The lifespan of this type of extension is about two months, and in this method, hair strips or small bunches of hair are attached to people’s hair with the help of glue.

Permanent hair extension

The durability of this method is more than the previous methods and its lifespan is more than six months and in this method more hairs are added to people’s hair.

Important points before and after doing hair extensions

Important points before and after doing hair extensions

Before and after doing hair extensions, you should follow some points. Among the things that must be done before hair extensions are as follows:

Clean your hair completely before doing hair extensions.
Hair and tools must be completely prepared.
Use special adhesives for this work and hygiene.
If natural hair strands are used, they should be completely disinfected before starting work.

Also, after hair extension, you should pay attention to some things:

Do not wash your hair immediately after doing the work
When combing extended hair, you should start from the bottom of the hair and use suitable brushes for this task
In order to change the color of the hair added to the hair, one should refer to specialized centers for doing this work
Avoid sleeping on your hair as much as possible

How are natural hair extensions done?

How are natural hair extensions done?

Hair extensions are done both with artificial hair produced in special productions and with natural hair purchased from people. For hair extensions with natural hair, the most appropriate method is the laser method, which is done with special punch-like devices and keratin glue, and usually a very low and adjustable temperature is used for this work.

To perform natural hair extensions, you must go through the following steps:

First, the hair should be completely cleaned and washed
Put the hair in small bunches and by placing layers of glue on the person’s hair, connect the added natural hair.

Natural hair extensions have a different price and are more expensive than extensions with synthetic hair, but of course, in this type of extension with natural hair, the prices are different according to the type, quality, size of the hair and the method of doing the work. To perform this type of extension, natural hair without frizz, hair with its natural and original color, etc. are used. Hair extensions with natural hair strands have advantages:

One of the advantages of hair extensions is that these hairs are shown like one’s own hair.
This type of hair is much easier to style than synthetic hair.
All kinds of textures can be easily done on them.
It is more durable than synthetic hair and you can use this type of hair for years.

Buying natural hair for hair extensions

Buying natural hair for hair extensions

Nowadays, many centers and shops have been established to buy natural and healthy hair of people, and they usually buy hair from people that has not been damaged in any way and does not have damaged hair, and usually thicker hair has more fans and buyers. Apart from these cases, there are people who sell their hair extensions. Hair extensions are marketable when well maintained.

Both synthetic and natural hair are used for hair extension, and synthetic hair is produced in special products. But the question is, how and in what way is natural hair prepared? In response to this question, it can be said that most people with healthy hair sell their hair to extension centers. Usually, thick, full back and natural hair have more customers than thin back hair, and usually natural hair is bought at a higher price from its owners in big cities, and of course, the centers that buy natural hair must comply with hygiene measures so that Do not cause skin problems when using these hairs for hair extensions.

To buy natural hair, some extension centers and hair salons use the weight of the hair and others use the number of hair strands as the criteria, and the more natural and colorless the purchased hair looks, the higher the price paid for it. That is, in general, to buy hair, they buy hair from people who have thick, voluminous hair, without split ends, and have natural color, which has its own centers in most of the big cities of Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, etc. Hairdressers and centers specializing in hair extensions first disinfect the natural hair they have bought and then with their help, they do hair extensions with natural hair.

Important tips for natural hair extensions

Important tips for natural hair extensions

Before doing the work, show your hair type to the person doing it.
Avoid connecting hairs heavier than your hair because heavy hairs cause pressure and damage to the main texture of the individual’s hair.
After hair extensions with natural hair, be careful when washing them and treat them like your original hair.
Use softening and moisturizing shampoos so that they don’t get damaged.
Avoid grabbing your hair in the shower.
Do not use very hot water for washing because it will damage them and there is a possibility of separating these hairs.
To further protect these added hairs, use shampoos that do not contain sulfates and harmful substances, because these types of shampoos dry out the hair and make the tips of the hair horny and make them look unpleasant.
Wash the extended hair more than three times a week and dry it completely after washing.
If the added natural hair strands are attached to the person’s hair with clips and metal rings, they can be easily washed by separating these hairs.
As much as possible, avoid drying and ironing the added strands of hair because this will damage these hairs and reduce their lifespan.

Laser hair extension method

Laser hair extension method

There are different types of hair extensions, each of which is done in a special way and with special devices, and one of the most up-to-date types of hair extensions is laser hair extensions. In this method, which is less harmful to people’s hair than other methods, they use devices without laser heat, but they have included it among safe hot extensions.

The method of laser hair extension is that the individual’s hair is first grouped, which of course are grouped into thin sections and arranged with the help of a comb. Then they prepare the device and put some special glue in it and install the extra hair with the help of this device and the glue. This method has more advantages than other hair extension methods, which include the following:

Making the way of doing work look natural
Fast drying of the glue used in this method
Durability and longevity of extended hair with laser method
The high elegance of this method
People can easily style their hair after laser hair extension

This method has differences with other methods. The most important difference between laser hair extension and other methods is that the type of material and glue used in this method is different and the basis of this method is keratin. Another difference between the laser hair extension method and other methods is that this method does not use a lot of heat and the small amount that is used can be adjusted, but other methods are not like that.

Another difference of this method is that the added hairs and their connection places are not clear and are shown completely natural. Also, the type of glue used in this method is suitable for the hair color of the customers.

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Fereshte, Maryam Sharqi St., facing Mahdiya, No. 18, Vahedik, Shabnam Hazrati Specialized Center


09308650016 - 09122577121

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